Belmont House School recently held its annual Christmas extravaganza, “Jingle Belmont”, hosting a diverse range of stallholders and a plethora of fun activities for the children: from mini golf to meeting Santa and his elves!
Adults paid £5 for entry and refreshments and were serenaded on arrival by Belmont’s own string ensemble, the Celtic Group, performing an array of traditional holiday songs.
Adults browsed the stalls, getting in some early Christmas shopping for goods including children’s books, handcrafted scarves, ornaments and traditional holiday gifts, Scottish cheeses, oatcakes and jams, decorative holiday cupcakes, toys and novelty items for children, handbags, all-natural soaps and bath products, candles....But by far the most popular item for sale was jewellery and kids’ jewellery. Let's take a look at what was on offer!
Ken Reid Photography. He generously donates £25 to the school if you mention Belmont when you book a session. |
Maggie, a former PTA member and Hamish, a former pupil. Maggie studied Textile Design at the Glasgow School of Art, where Hamish is currently working towards a degree in Jewellery and Silversmithing. |
On top of this, manicures, eyebrow waxes and spa treatments were available all night along with home-pampering gift sets.
Our most ambitious students skilfully managed their stalls alongside their experienced competitors.
Girls from the Junior School’s Raggy Dolls club applied hard selling strategies with great profit (much to the envy of the stallholders around them). |
The Fair Trade group had ethical and affordable snacks on offer. |
The Enterprise Group presented a variety of sweets and odds and ends. |
The aforementioned Enterprising lads. |
Inside Santa's Grotto. |
Our younger pupils were delighted to meet Santa, a former member of our Board of Governors, and discuss their particular requirements for this holiday season.
Last year, the PTA donated £4000 to the School for the purchase of portable staging. We’re aiming to smash last year’s total and obtain a sound system for the school hall by next summer. We managed to raise close to £2,000 from this year's Jingle Belmont, which gives us a great start for this project!
Principal Melvyn Shanks on the left and Allan Gibson (Board of Governors) on the right. |
This blog is going on a brief holiday hiatus with the rest of us but be sure to watch this space in early 2012 as we'll be discussing our Seasonal Concert and Junior School Christmas Play as well as working through some more of 2011's important news while keeping you up-to-date with exciting, ongoing Belmont events -- like our week-long ski trip to Italy!
Merry Christmas from all of us at Belmont! |
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